Shortline Tools & Applications


BNSF Shortline Business Opportunity - Fill out this online form with information about your business opportunity and it will be routed directly to the BNSF market or sales manager handling that commodity or customer.

BNSF eCash Invoicing Demo - Step by step instructions of how to easily submit your invoices electronically.

BNSF RailCentral - eBusiness Web Tools provide access to BNSF data 24/7, including customized reports and setting up distribution channels for those reports.

Railinc Rail Service Finder (RSF) Brochure - The Serving Carrier/Reciprocal Switch (SCRS) System is web-based application that enables carriers to update and retrieve information about customers, serving carriers and reciprocal switch charges in real time.

Railinc SSDX - Railinc's Switching Settlements Data Exchange (SSDX) offers railroads an automated, standardized way to process switching information and expedite billing accuracy.


Railinc Rail Service Finder - RSF searches the Railinc-maintained Serving Carrier Reciprocal Switch (SCRS) system to verify whether a railroad may serve, or under what conditions a railroad may serve, a specific customer at common service points.


BNSF Economic Development Territory Map - Regional and commodity/unit train economic development team contacts shown on a territory map.

BNSF System Map - A detailed depiction of BNSF's railroad network (32" x 22.5").

BNSF Simple System Map - A simple depiction of BNSF's railroad network (8.5" x 11").